Funeral Home Giannis Paraskevopoulos
Memorials - Flower Decorations - Ceremonies - Incinerations - Sykies of Thessaloniki
Giannis Paraskevopoulos is in the service of his fellow man. As a young man he has been working in hotel companies for several years and has received positive reviews and distinctions, both from his clients and from his employers. A social person, dear, he becomes a member of cultural, sports and other clubs and President for seven years in the SA. Sykeon Basketball.
Upon ceasing his involvement with the hotel services, he decides to offer to his fellow man, founding a cooperative Social Service Company.
He quickly realizes that the choice of his associates does not match his character and sensitivity, both to the dead and to their relatives and fortunately decides in time to create his own one-person Social Service company with the distinctive title ΄ Funeral Home Giannis Paraskevopoulos ΄
Friends, clients, local lords and agents, church people but also just acquaintances, knowing his sensitive, serious, friendly and low-key character, applaud his move and support him from the first moment in various ways. The society of northern Greece and not only, immediately distinguishes the company Γιάν Funeral Home Giannis Paraskevopoulos ΄
His business is distinguished for its excellent technical training, low prices, dignity, experience, quality, service, respect for the dead and their relatives.
More than three hundred incidents per year, of all religious denominations, gives the company the lead in its field and the opportunity to serve at quite satisfactory prices.